Did You Know About The Battle In Your Yard?

big tree with excellent root system

How To Grow Healthy Trees In Your Yard

Grass and trees don’t always get along

Below I have our very first video blog post. Yes, they will improve with experience, so bear with me. We have a very pathetic looking Blue Spruce tree in our yard. It has been looking worse each year. In actuality, the forest is the healthiest place for trees to grow. WHY? The area under the trees ends up being like a healthy compost due to the fallen leaves, branches, ferns, and tubers, as well as dead animals and insects on the forest floor. These things create a wonderful, nutrient rich growing environment for the trees.

I’m sure you’ve noticed that often times the grass under your trees is sparse at best and sometimes the trees are not as healthy as they could be. This is a result of the battle for water, nutrients, and oxygen that goes on between the two.

The next time you go on a hike in the woods, take notice, you don’t see much, if any grass growing. There is no competition between the roots of the trees and grass like there is in a landscaped yard. That’s where we come in to give a hand and make the growing environment more copacetic.

We decided to change the area under the tree on our property and see how our own Blue Spruce does when this concept is applied. See the video below and we will keep you updated throughout the year.

Jim Dean Explains The Relationship Between Grass and Trees

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Caring For New Sod

Watering is the key. You are excited because you just had your beautiful new sod installed and you want it to continue